Promotion Requirements
Students can earn thirty-five units of credit each quarter or 140 units of credit per year by earning five (5) credits per quarter for each class that they pass. Ten (10) credits will be awarded for the two periods of Language Arts. Students will accumulate credits during both their 7th and 8th-grade year.
It is important for students to keep track of the credits they have earned. Credits earned are reported on each quarter’s report card. Students can earn a total of 280 credits during the 8 quarters they attend Dutcher Middle School. Students must earn at least 255 credits to be considered for promotion to high school. The counselor will notify parents of those students who are deficient in credits and unable to participate in the promotion ceremony.
Students who fail to meet the promotion requirements for credits, or have been suspended for more than five (5) days, will not be able to participate in the Promotion Ceremony and Activities. When an 8th-grade student has failed to accumulate 255 credits, the retention committee will meet to discuss the possibility of retention.
Minimum Credits required for Promotion Ceremony and Certificate = 255
Promotion Activities
Promotion Ceremony
- Students who fail to meet the promotion requirements for credits will not be able to participate in the Promotion Ceremony.
- Students who have been suspended for six (6) or more days will not be able to participate in the Promotion Ceremony.
- Students must be in attendance a minimum of four (4) class periods in order to participate in the Promotion Ceremony.
Promotion Dance
- Students must meet the promotion requirements for credits and cannot have six (6) or more days of suspension in order to attend the Promotion Dance.
- Students must be in attendance a minimum of four (4) class periods in order to participate in the Promotion Dance.
Promotion Awards Ceremony
Students who have achieved a cumulative 3.0 - 4.0 grade point average in all classes based on grade level curriculum standards, including P.E. and electives, during both the seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) grade years will be recognized by the awarding of the following medallions. These medallions will be worn during the Promotion Ceremony.
- Gold Medallion - 4.0 cumulative GPA
- Silver Medallion - 3.5 - 4.0 cumulative GPA
- Bronze Medallion - 3.0 - 3.49 cumulative GPA
8th Grade Trip (Tuesday, May 28th)
Students ineligible to attend the promotion dance or ceremony due to credit deficiency may still attend the 8th-grade trip but must meet the following criteria:
Participation in any and all 8th-grade activities is subject to the discretion of the Dutcher Middle School administration.
- Grades - for Quarter 3 grading period, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA (no failing grades)
- Behavior - students cannot have six (6) or more days of suspension in order to attend the Promotion trip.
- Attendance - students must have twenty (20) or less unexcused absences during the school year. The following reasons will NOT count against a student's’ attendance record for the purpose of end of year activities:
- Funerals and the death of a close relative/ family friend
- Each day of absence which has been approved by a doctor.